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6 February 2008

3 - Peacerist

Peace Idea Name : Peacerist - A human who participates in acts of peacerism
Peace Idea Number : 3
Peace Idea launch date : 6th Feb 2008
Who Can Use This Peace Idea? : Anyone
How Much Does It Cost? : FREE

How Does This Idea Work? :

Why terrorism works is because of the mystery and fear! The public never knows who the terrorists are, they dont know if and when a act of terrorism will occur.

Why peacerism will work is because of the mystery and hope! The public will never know who the peacerists are, they will never know if and when an a act of peacerism will occur.

If and when you hear, see or read about an act of peacerism, tell the world by commenting about it below, and we will tell the world.

Or ring your favourite radio and TV station, write to your favourite newspaper Or write about it on your blog etc

This idea is in its infancy, their is lots more to come. If I told you all the details, I wouldn't be a true peacerist.

Why I Love this idea :

The person sitting next to you on a bus or plane could be a peacerist.


Click on the 'comments' link below if you have a comment about this idea OR you know a good story about someone you think is a Peacerist. You can also click on the envelope below if you want to tell a friend about this idea.

2 - farishde Peace Brokerage

Peace Idea Name : farishdeTM Peace Brokerage
Peace Idea Number : 2
Peace Idea launch date : 6th Feb 2008
Who Can Use This Peace Idea? : Anyone with a peaceful idea or helpful spirit.
How Much Does It Cost? : FREE

How Does This Idea Work? :

If you have a peaceful idea, invention or business idea BUT need help on how to bring it to be. We will try to set you up with peaceful people who may be able to help you. Simply contact us with your details and needs.

If you work in or have experience in a industry that could possibly assist people with peaceful ideas AND you want to offer your services, advice or a helping hand. Simply contact us with your details. Here are some people who may be able to help.

  • Patent lawyers
  • Manufaturers
  • Organisations who offer assistance to new businesses
  • Advertising companies
  • Media agents
  • Journalists
  • Public Relations specialists
  • Event Organisers
  • Local councils
  • Government agencies
  • etc

Why I Love this idea :

No human should ever have an excuse as to why their potentially peacefully idea never got a chance.


Click on the 'comments' link below if you have a comment about this idea OR you want to advertise your peaceful project or business. You can also click on the envelope below if you want to tell a friend about this idea.

1 - This is how I chose to spell wwoarrr

Peace Idea Name : This is how I chose to spell wwoarrr
Peace Idea Number : 1
Peace Idea launch date : 6th Feb 2008
Who Can Use This Peace Idea? : Anyone who can spell and/or write.
How Much Does It Cost? : FREE

How Does This Idea Work? :

The basic concept is that we dont have to blindly accept everything our ancestors have blindly passed down to us.

In this case, I believe we 'can' all individually choose how we spell a word that means so many different things to so many different people.

From this day forward, I will spell wwoarrr with an o, two extra r's and one extra w. I've personally chosen to spell this word this way because;

I have come to the conclusion that the act of violence to get what you want is stupid and something that looks uncivalised and feels wrong, therefore I chose a way of spelling it that resembles this.

One day while trying to understand why so many people around me believed violence was their only alternative, I wondered why? I thought perhaps these people have never been exposed to ideas of non-volience? Then I wondered why this is? Then I wondered maybe its because there isnt enough information in the public domain about peaceful ideas or people?

Then I thought about Nelson Mandela, I wondered how anyone who understands what this man did could ever think violence was ok.

Then I wondered why a women who shares the last name of a major hotel chain is so well known and gets so much media publicity?

Then I wondered, maybe its becuase there is lots of information about this women in the public domain?

Then out of curiousity, I decided to do a web search for both Nelson Mandela and this woman.

I was amazed, shocked and momentarily demoralised by the results below.

Then I wondered, what if a kid did a similar search for two other words like PEACE and W*R (where * is A). The results are below.

Why I Love this idea : This idea is free.

It allows anyone to peacefully demonstrate daily their desire for something different.

It allows people to non-violently demonstrate to the world that they have thought about violence and it's use in society.

It will give businesses (small and large), governments, individuals, schools, universities, faith based organisations, authors and artists an opportuntity to demonstrate their unique and well thought out stance on violence.

We will all be able to think more deeply about our own definition of wwoarrr and how we want to spell/use it in the future. Its crucial that we each decide on the spelling and use of this word. For example, a mother who lost a child due to wwoarrr will have a very different opinion of it to someone who only knows it through playing a video game. A soldier who watched his friend die in his arms will think differently of wwoarrr to someone whos economic sustainablility relies on the sale of bullets. etc etc etc etc

It doesn't stop anyone from spelling/using this word the old fashioned way. If someone isnt ready to think about this issue, they can simply pretend they haven't heard about this idea.

My dream is for my children to never get into trouble for spelling this word anyway they want.

This idea is measurable via a simply webpage search for W*r (where * is A) and peace anytime by anyone with access to the internet. If more people choose to spell this word differently and/or choose to use peace more often, peace will win out.

Please note : I'm Australian therefore appreciate not everyone in the world speaks Australian, so if you speak another language feel free to change the way 'your' ancestors chose to spell/use this word.

On a brighter note, before you let anyone give up on the overwhelming goodness of humanity, feel free to do a similar internet search for two other words, "Love" and "Hate".


Click on the 'comments' link below if you have a comment about this idea OR want to share how you spell this word. You can also click on the envelope below if you want to tell a friend about this idea.